7 Fantastic Water Propagation for Plants


7 Fantastic Water Propagation for Plants

Helloshabby.com -- Techniques for growing plants in water using simple water propagation to do. Propagation is a simple term for growing new plants from old plants. To grow old plant in the water, you can try only once in the process of plant that are very easy to grow roots from the stems of the plant itself. Then any plants that can be spread in water, you can listen to 7 plants with water propagation below!

Chinese evergreen plant


You can find ornamental plants that are easily planted with water propagation. The first way to grow Chinese evergreen plants by water propagation is to separate the buds that grow directly into the water. You can give light in the afternoon indirectly. Wait a few weeks to get new roots from this plant.

Monstera Adansonii


Monstera is one of the favorite plants of many people. This plant includes ornamental plants that you can grow in the water easily. Prune the stems of old plants to be moved into the water, in order to grow new shoots.


ZZ plant


Next is the ZZ plant. This plant is very easy for you to grow with water propagation from the leaves. Simply pick one or two stalks or leaves and transfer them to water, When the roots have grown, immediately move into a pot filled with soil that can grow the plant quickly.



Including herbal plants that have very many benefits. Peppermint is a vine with a very fast-growing process. Besides being able to be planted in pots containing soil, you can move this plant to water, is easy to grow. Place near moist areas with indirect lighting.


Cupid Peperomia


Plants similar to Pothos are a type of peperomia scandens 'variegata' plant. Plant that grow with eater propagation, you can make hanging plants because they grow.




Caladium ornamental plants are also one of the tropical plants that can grow in all weathers. You can put it in water propagation to get beautiful and clean tiny grow.

Golden pothos


This golden pothos plant becomes one of the ornamental plants for beginners that are very easy to grow. It is easy to plant in pots containing soil or with eater propagation. This plant will grow by forming small semi-roots and leaves is less sun intake.

Of the many type of plant that grow in water have a variety root or bud growth. From weekly to months, you can wait patiently. Each type of plant has a different root process, but when growing up you can get shady plants with easy care, replace with a routine so that freshness is maintained.

Hopefully those home garden idea is useful for those of you who looking for ideas and inspiration about home garden idea's. We wish you will be easier in making your dream house. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family.

Author      : Lynda
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : Various Source

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