7 Popular Type Of Dracaena Plant Used Indoors and Outdoors


7 Popular Type Of Dracaena Plant Used Indoors and Outdoors

Helloshabby.com -- Dracaena plant is a tropical bush plant that belongs to a popular type of ornamental plant. Dracaena varieties thrive in low and bright light, so are highly tolerable against drought.

For the most part, Dracaena has upright logs, long pinted lanceolate curved leaves and dense leaves. In addition, Dracaena also has several varieties that have long, glossy green leaves with red or yellow edges. Not only beautiful, please note this Dracaena plant has benefits that can purify the air and eliminate toxins in the air such as xylene, formaldehyde and toluene.

To find out the types, check out the following 7 Popular types of Dracaena plant used indoors and outdoor:

Dracaena Draco


Dracaena draco can also be called a dragon tree. This plant is a succulent tree that is stored as an ornamental plant. For those of you who live in tropical or subtropical regions, put this plant outdoors, and it will become a branched tree that grows very wide, up to 25 feet thick.

The leaves of this dracaena plant grow wide like a sword with a bluish green color that can grow about 2 feet long. In the summer, you will ding greenish-white flowers that turn into citrus fruits.

Dracaena Reflexa


This draceana reflexa has dark green leaves and was formerly knows as pleomele. This dracaena plant has a beautiful look similar to marginata, but the leaves are slightly wider.

It takes a long time to reach a maximum height of about 3 feet, the plant produces small and insignificant flowers.

Dracena Compacta


Dracaena compact is an idea bedroom plant because it can tolerate low light. This dwarf dracaena variety has shorter growths and smaller leaves than larger plants. These shiny and thick green leaves grow, you can flush when the soil mixture is dry.

Dracaena Fragrans


This slow-growing and easy-to-care species is suitable for being placed in low light conditions and does not require much water. You can choose this dracaena fragrans for large open space such as sun room, offices or malls. This tropical plant grows outdoor by not getting direct sunlight.

Dracaena Lemon Lime


Dracena 'lemon lime' is amazing because it has bright-green yellow and green leaves with a thin white line separating between them. These long lanceolata leaves have a green ribbon in the middle and yellow striped edges and golden limes. Like its varieties, this 'lemon lime' dracaena grows well in low light. This plant is very idea to brighten the room and the corner of the room. It grows about 5 and 10 feet or 1.5 - 3 meters.

Dracaena Sanderiana


Lucky bamboo includes a type of dracaena sanderiana plant with easily thick green stems and lanceolate leaves. The sugarcane-like stems are often sold with curved tops, and some leaves grow from them. Lucky bamboo is one of the lucky plant that can grow in the water. Used as an indoor plant, this plant is popular in Asia, which is believed to bring good luck.


Dracaena Marginata


This red-eyed dracaena plant has this, tapered leaves. Long straight leaves as large grow the longest straight curved. Thin upright stems that branch into stems that can grow upwards and separate. This plant has green leaves with red edges that are included in the pleomele, straight-marginated dracaena. This ornamental plant has a high tolerance to low light in a magnificent room.

Hopefully those home garden idea is useful for those of you who looking for ideas and inspiration about home garden idea's. We wish you will be easier in making your dream house. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family.

Author      : Lynda
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : Various Source

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