Simple House Design Ideas with Gorgeous Interior -- Along with the times, luxury home design has become an achievement for many people. However, considering that a house is a primary need for humans, creating a house as soon as possible is actually more important than waiting for the achievement of the desired luxury home. A comfortable house does not always come with a luxurious concept, but a comfortable house can be present because of the arrangement and selection of furniture so that it makes a comfortable component for the family. In the following, we will present an article about Simple House Design Ideas with Gorgeous Interior.



House facade design

The design of this house has a simple appearance with a modern native model using green color combined with a touch of wood that looks natural. This house has a stilt model that makes the lower area have airspace to be more stable when an earthquake occurs, and is also very beneficial when a flood occurs.

House terrace view

 On the terrace, this house has a large size and is integrated with a side terrace which has a smaller size. This terrace can be a gathering area with family while relaxing comfortably. Additional carpets or chairs can also be applied to the terrace as an outdoor living room or just to relax.



Living room design


Even though it is minimalist, the living room owned by this house seems to provide extra comfort by using a large and soft sofa. This living room is also equipped with a television that is displayed on the wall, so it doesn't take up too much space. Additional decorations in this room will also give a beautiful impression that is more varied and able to liven up the atmosphere.



Dining room design

Switch to the dining room area, the small room it has is well maximized and comfortable. This room, is equipped with a table and chairs as a dining table. While in other parts it is used as a place for several shelves and a refrigerator that looks neat. Selection of a slim table is very important to provide freer access to the room.
Bedroom design

This bedroom design has a simple appearance but can provide comfort. This bedroom is also equipped with two large windows which can provide a better intake of fresh air. At this size, the use of a mattress on the floor will create a wider and freer impression. On the other hand, it can also be used as a shelf.

Bathroom design

The bathroom owned by this house looks spacious and is equipped with a partition to make it more focused. The wider part is used as a shower and toilet area. The arrangement of the shelves is placed on the corner wall of the room to make it look more concise and neat. The use of green is the dominant color that gives a fresh impression to the bathroom of this house.





Hopefully, those Simple House Design Ideas with Gorgeous Interior. are useful for those of you who're looking for ideas and inspiration about snake plant care. We wish you will be easier in making your dream house come true. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family.

Author      : Hafidza
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : Zarra Sambrano
is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition, there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom.

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