7 Pink Succulent That Make The Perfect Day Decor


Helloshabby.com -- Are you pink lovers? The following pink succulent should not be missed. Succulent have easy treatments, and you can use to decorate the house. 

Pink succulent are currently popular among plant lovers. A beautiful pink color can be a new decoration in the house to look fresher and beautiful. Let's take a look at 7 pink succulent that make the perfect day decor that can inspire you!


 1. Sunrise Succulent


The first type of succulent is known as Sunrise. The latin name is Anacamseros telephiastrum. It has a beautiful look, suitable for decorating the house. This plant loves sunlight. The color will turn pink when exposes to sunlight. Beautiful, isn't it?

2. Sedum versadene


The second type of succulent with a touch of pink has the name Sedum versadense. This Succulent has a beautiful shape, similar to a flower in bloom. Its striking color has an appeal that can captivate the eye.

3. Echeveria


Echeveria is one of type of succulent that is popular because of its beautiful appearance. Their shape is lie roses are always beautiful to look at. They like sunlight. If you want to keep it in the house, you can take it out every morning and evening.

4. Pink Butterflies

Next we present Kalanchoe or called by the name of Pink Butterflies. As the name implies, the shape is similar to a beautiful pink butterfly. They like to be put in direct sunlight. If indoors, place it near a window or room that gets full sunlight.

5. Calico Kitten


Another type of pink succulent is Crassula pellucida. This plant wil be more bautiful when hung. Calico kitten has a heart-shaped leaf shape that will turn pink when exposed to sunlight. Avoid putting it under direct sun, You can choose a shady place. For watering, do it when the soil is dry.

6. Moonstone Succulent


The Latin name Pachyphytum oviferum or commonly known as Moonstone Succulent includes mini-sized succulents, suitable as a room decorator. They can grow at dawn in a shady place. Suitable to decorate your bedroom to make it more beautiful.

 7. Ghost plant Succulent


Succulent have variety of types, all of them look beautiful and stunning. Like the last succulents is the ghost plant (Graptopetalum paraguayens). The leaves are white with gray with a charming soft pink touch. A place with full sunlight is the best growing location for them.

That's the 7 pink succulent that make the perfect day decor that can inspire you. From the type above, do you have your favorite? I hope the information above s useful for you. Thank you.

Author      : Hafsah

Editor       : Munawaroh

Source     : Various Source

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