5 Easy Steps How To Grow Monstera in Water!


Hellohabby.com --  Monstera has a beautiful leaf shape, so it's no wonder this plant is popular and much loved by the public. Monstera is one of the plants that can live in water. They can even live in low light conditios.

Monstera is also a favorite plant to propagate in water. Are you interested in growing Monstera at home? Some tips on How to grow Monstera in water below you can try applying at home!

1. Cutting Monstera Stems


 The first thing you can prepare to grow Monstera in teh water is to cut the stem. Cut the stems that have roots. Then put it in a bottle that contains water.

2. Make sure the stem of the plant stand upright


The second step, after putting the stem of Monstera in the water, you should make sure the plant stand upright. It aims to accelerate the growth of Monstera roots.  

3. Put Monstera near the window

Monstera do not like direct sunlight. You can put them near the window, so they still get indirect sunlight. They will grow well in a shady place.

 4. Changing water regularly


For good growth, water in the pool should be replaced every 3 to 5 days.  the water will be washed and will grow moss that will interfere with the growth of Monstera.

5.  Provide suitable fertilizer


Fertilizing the appropriate plants will accelerate the growth of roots. You can use liquid fertilizer. For more details, you can follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging.

That's 5 easy steps how to grow monstera in water that you can try to apply at home. I hope the information above is useful for you. Thank you.

Author      : Hafsah

Editor       : Munawaroh

Source     : Various Source

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