Top 6 Eccentric Dining Room Designs and Ideas -- Have you ever heard of eccentric interior design? Slightly different from other style, an eccentric/eclectic interior is a matter of personality and freedom. The style features a free mix of aesthetic and functional features. Mix more different visual elements, combine patterns, textures, prints to get more personal satisfaction.

The eccentric interior also looks great for dining room design. You can see some designs in top 6 eccentric dining room designs and ideas.

Brighten up with color


An eccentric dining room does not mean a space with arbitrary designs without meaning. It needs to be carefully curated to get an aesthetic and functional dining room. Having sot pastel tones applied well make the room more colorful. The soft pink dining table and chairs set is also perfect. Those colors are held together by vinyl flooring and patterned white rugs. Having such a small dining area is more fun than a big, stiff dining area. 

Free for mixed style genre


The eccentric interior doesn't limit you about the furniture you should wear. You can even use minimalist furniture sets that meet fresh pop colors. Adding a neon blue standing lamp as a focal point, it will also make the eccentric dining room more unique. 

Fusion of traditional and modern


What's great about eccentric interiors is the freedom to include decorations from different time periods. Even in a modern style house, you can have a dining room in a traditional-style. Dining area with low chairs and low table. With colorful soft furnishing that still look integrated with the rustic red brick wall behind it. 

Liven up the background wall

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An eccentric dining room allows every aspect of your personality to exist, whether it's the decor or the furniture. Filling the blue walls in the dining room with pop art collections and greenery will make the eccentric dining room even more perfect. It looks so aesthetic and has a fresh and strong character style. 

Have a focal point


The colorful dining room sometimes makes people's attention unfocused. Create a focal point such as accent walls or a gallery wall. This kind of focal point can draw attention to a desired place in your dining area. 

Keep having negative space


This dining room has an eccentric style that's not as flashy as other designs. However, this dining room considers having negative space. More vertical space or an empty white floor will help the eye to take a break from seeing the variety of colors, patterns, and textures in homes with eccentric interiors. 

Hopefully, those Top 6 Eccentric Dining Room Designs and Ideas are useful for those of you who're looking for ideas and inspiration about dining room  ideas. We hope that it will be easier for you to realize your dream home. Don't forget to share it with your relatives and family.

Author      : Yeni
Editor       : Munawaroh
Source     : Various Source is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple to modern minimalist homes. In addition, there are several tips and tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room, bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of the house and the child's bedroom. 

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